Insulate The Aboveground Pipes
It’s also a good idea to insulate any aboveground pipes, valves and backflow preventers. Wrap the valve in insulation (foam insulation tape and a plastic bag). Most home supply stores sell self-sticking, foam-insulating tape and foam insulating tubes for this task.
How do I cap off my sprinkler heads for the winter?
Check out this site to learn about winterizing your sprinkler system:
Sprinkler Winterization is imperative to having a healthy sprinkler system; we can blow all water out your sprinkler lines with a high-volume air compressor. Most of Dr. Sprinkler’s repairs are for people who do not winterize their sprinkler system, so save money and winterize your sprinkler system.
Call Dr. Sprinkler: (801) 709-1574
Serving Utah County